


在Nature *最新發表的文獻,美國孟菲斯聖裘德兒童研究醫院的Hongbo Chi研究小組使用了GeneCopoeia miTarget™ 3' UTR-luciferase reporter plasmid 以及Luc-Pair™ Duo Luciferase Assay Kit 2.0 ,證明了REGNASE-1下調CD8+ T chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) 細胞中BATF的表達。該結果為REGNASE-1 depletion策略的作用提供了機制,增進了CD8+ T-cell CAR在黑素瘤和白血病小鼠模型中的抗腫瘤功效。 

Figure legend:Luciferase activity of HEK293T cells after transfection with Batf mRNA 3′ UTR firefly luciferase reporter, together with control (mock), wild-type or REGNASE-1(D141N)-expressing plasmid (n = 3). Signals were normalized to a second reporter, Renilla luciferase, that was expressed independently on the same plasmid. From Wei, J., et al. (2019).

*文獻全文:Wei, J., et al. (2019). Targeting REGNASE-1 programs long-lived effector T cells for cancer therapy. Nature 578, 471. 
