

TriLink|專題演講 ── Innovative Technology for mRNA Vaccine and Therapeutics Development, CleanCap M6

現在就加入我們!由來自 TriLink Biotechnologies 的 Dr. Taewoo Kim 博士帶領,一起探索 mRNA 疫苗和劃時代療法的最新進展。了解下一代 mRNA 設計、主要修飾策略以及創新的 CleanCap M6 技術。不要錯過在這個迅速擴展領域保持領先地位的機會,邀您一起目睹 mRNA 治療的關鍵時刻!現場座位數量有限,額滿為止!於 6/30 前報名,即可獲贈 TriLink 限量 T-shirt 一件!

Discover the latest advancements in mRNA vaccines and therapeutics! Join us for a symposium featuring Dr. Taewoo Kim from TriLink Biotechnologies, as he unveils the groundbreaking CleanCap M6 technology. Learn about next-gen mRNA design, major capping strategies, and how CleanCap M6 revolutionizes stability and expression. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead in this rapidly expanding field and witness the future of mRNA therapeutics!

演講時間:2023/7/27 (四) 15:00~16:50

演講地點:〈 2023 生技展〉台北南港展覽館一館 5 樓  會議室502