

【 Meridian Bioscience】BIO-25041 買三送一,想購就GO


MyTaq™ Mix 是一種即用型 2x 預混液,專為快速和高特異性 PCR 開發。MyTaq™ Mix 的先進配方表現出比其他常用聚合酶更強大的擴增能力,在廣泛的 PCR 模板上提供非常高的產量,使其成為大多數常規檢測的理想選擇。 MyTaq™ Mix 包含 PCR 所需的所有試劑(包括穩定劑),方便地在單一管中供應預混液,減少了移液步驟,並有助於提高效率、通量和再現性。

穩健擴增富含 GC 的人類基因組 DNA(61% GC )
Fig. 1 Robust amplification of GC-rich human genomic DNA (61% GC content)
MyTaq was compared with DNA polymerases from other suppliers for the amplification of a 450 bp fragment of the human myc gene. Decreasing amounts of human genomic DNA were used as a template (1 μg, 200 ng, 100 ng, 50 ng, 25 ng and 12.5 ng, lanes 1-6 respectively, HyperLadder 1kb (M)). MyTaq delivers higher yield and sensitivity as compared with all five competing products.

人類基因組 DNA 的快速擴增(27.5 分鐘內完成)
Fig. 2 Fast amplification of human genomic DNA (performed in 27.5 minutes)
Comparative amplification of a 450 bp fragment of the human myc gene (61% GC) was used to examine MyTaq with another polymerase. The PCR was performed using decreasing amounts of human genomic DNA as template (200 ng, 66 ng, 10 ng, 3 ng, 1 ng, 300 pg, 100 pg and 30 pg; lanes 1-8 respectively, HyperLadder 1kb (M)) and under fast cycling conditions. In contrast to other polymerases, MyTaq readily copes with faster reaction times, resulting in higher yield without the need for further optimization.